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Thanksgiving is great. It always is. I love all the food, all the crazy traveling we squeeze in, all the people we get to see. It truly is great. But what I really REALLY get excited for is Christmas.

Last week I asked my hubby if we could set up our Christmas decorations before we left for Thanksgiving so upon arrival home on Sunday it would already be Christmas inside. He said no.

However, when we did arrive home last Sunday night I was overly delighted to find the tiniest traces of snow on the ground.  Oh I am so giddy for Christmas!

This coming weekend we have a decorating date. Fireplace movie on Netflix (love it!), Christmas music playing, dipping pretzels, and covering our apartment with Christmas magic (which every normal person knows is glitter!).

Are you thrilled for Christmas time? Or are you wishing for the next month to wiz by?

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twinkle. twinkle. twinkle.